Re: A single universal field of intelligence
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Tim_NC on 2/18/2011, 7:22 pm
Hello Argosy. I'm not sure what you mean by "true scientist" but I take it you mean "one who is a scientist because one loves science." If you were implying that many scientists are "corrupted" by money - well, I'd take issue with that because science is not "accepted" unless it's peer reviewed.
Any particular scientist may be corrupt, but the peer review process exists to prevent false science from being accepted. All accepted science is 'peer reviewed." A lot of the science we see or hear in the news, or Youtube, etc. is NOT peer-reviewed....and therein lies the problem; we're bombarded with science that is "not fully accepted by other scientists."
The oft heard suspicion that science is corrupted by money is greatly exaggerated. The "corruption" comes from non-reviewed science masquerading as actual science. (That and the abundance of science spewing out on the internet from non-scientists.)
There are zillions of "hypothesis" out there....we need make sure we don't confuse them with "factual science." (And no doubt many of these hypothesis are corrupt, wacko, etc.)
As for politics and religion; I fully agree with you. As much as people try to keep them separate; they are indeed inextricably entwined. Heck, religion is effectively the "first science." And it remained the dominant science until the onset of the "Age of Enlightenment" which took over (for most of us) in the 1700s.
That science as we know it today is only a few hundred years old while religion goes back nearly 100,000 years....makes it understandable why religion (biologically - evolutionarily in our brains) doesn't give in so easily!
Tim in NC
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