Mississippi threatened by worst flooding in 84 years
Posted by JAC on 5/1/2011, 2:43 pm

May 1, 2011 - NATCHEZ, MS.

A devastating flood is heading to tornado-ravaged Mississippi, which could cause levels of destruction not seen since the Great Flood of 1927, forecasters have warned.

The enormous levees lining the Mississippi River are likely to be seriously strained in the coming days, adding further danger to a region already shattered by deadly tornadoes and thunderstorms.

Governors in Mississippi and Louisiana have issued severe flood warnings and declared states of emergency in the regions.

Authorities along the swollen waterway in both states are warning nearby residents to brace themselves for the possibility of huge flooding in the coming weeks.

The weather warnings come as the area is struggling to recover from the worst recorded storms to hit the South in 40 years.

More than 100 tornadoes have ripped through the heart of neighboring Alabama in the past days, killing at least 238 people and flattening entire neighborhoods.

-Daily Mail


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??? on New Madrid Fault and the Peaking River - BobbiStorm, 4/28/2011, 5:06 pm
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