Re: Classic Plains Tornado Outbreak Ingredients
Posted by
JAC on 5/24/2011, 11:31 am
Your welcome Doug.
Helicity is just about as bad as what I was seeing forecast in AL and SE TN for the 4/27 outbreak.
Only a slight difference in that winds from the surface thru the boundary layer maybe 10 to 15 knots less this time.
However, once above 700mb, they accelerate to 80 to 100 knots with a huge twist.
EF4 / EF5 stuff.
Lapse rate is in fact even more extreme this time.
That along with a cloud cover this morning, is going to make the cap break extremely explosive this afternoon.
Maybe another Joplin scenario.
If I were in Oklahoma City, I would be buggin.
In this thread:
OK & KS Under High Risk for Severe Weather Today -
5/24/2011, 5:44 am- Twisters tear through Oklahoma City during rush hour- 7 killed, dozens injured - JAC, 5/25/2011, 5:03 am
- live stream - Doorman, 5/24/2011, 4:45 pm
- Longdale OK Under the Gun - JAC, 5/24/2011, 4:31 pm
- PDS 2 Up. Wichita Under-the-Gun. Cells moving into increasing STP. - JAC, 5/24/2011, 4:29 pm
- VIS Loop - JAC, 5/24/2011, 3:25 pm
- PDS issued, but of course - JAC, 5/24/2011, 2:35 pm
- Look like cap is popping ahead of dry-line. - JAC, 5/24/2011, 2:30 pm
- Tulsa OK Radar - ArgosyTn, 5/24/2011, 2:09 pm
- Re: OK & KS Under High Risk for Severe Weather Today - Fred, 5/24/2011, 1:38 pm
- Looks like a large MCS for KS and QLCS forming west of OK City. Strong MCS in TN too. - JAC, 5/24/2011, 8:36 am
- Classic Plains Tornado Outbreak Ingredients - JAC, 5/24/2011, 7:47 am
- NAM has a wicked forecast for Oklahoma City - JAC, 5/24/2011, 5:52 am
- Significant Tornado Outbreak could advance well overnight into AR & N LA - JAC, 5/24/2011, 5:47 am
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