Posted by donh on 8/10/2011, 12:27 pm
maybe I'm missing something here, but does it seem like every year they make basically the same predictions...
at the beginning of hurricane season they say, "above average"
in the middle they change their numbers
at the end of it, "boy we really dodged a bullet on that one"

they scare everyone with their predictions so people don't drop their insurance and then nothing ever happens

since 2005 we have not had a major hurricance make US landfall, aside from 2008 we have not had anything cause damage-yet every year they say it's going to be horrible

here we are half walf through hurricane season 2011 and there have been no hurricanes and there is nothing even worth mentioning in the Atlantic
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predictions - donh, 8/10/2011, 12:27 pm
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