Current pace ....
Posted by LawKat on 8/12/2011, 6:03 pm
Since 1933, only 1933, 1990, 1995 and 2005 got to F faster by August 12.

2005:  was on Irene.

1995:  Was on Gabrielle.

1990:  Was on Fran

1933:  Was on sixth designated tropical storm/hurricane (no names given)

2011:  Is on Emily.

I am curious to see just how fast the names pile up.  It's like tracking a home run race.

By the end of the weekend, 2011 could move from 5th on this list to 2nd.

Still way off the pace of 2005.

How far off the pace?  2011 would have to have 7 more named storms over the next 21 days just to catch up.

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Current pace .... - LawKat, 8/12/2011, 6:03 pm
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