Re: 2011 moving on up the list ....
Posted by LawKat on 8/19/2011, 9:31 am
As of August 19, 2011 sits in a tie for 3rd place for fastest pace since 1851.

As everyone knows, we are waiting to see if in fact Harvey will be born today.  If that occurs, 2011 would move back into second place overall, tied with 1933 and 1995.

Here is the more interesting thing to note:  There are two very viable systems in the Atlantic right now, that look very likely to at least get named.  If that occurs, 2011 would be at Jose.  2011 would be all alone in second place and have nearly 10 days within which to have two more named storms to catch the pace of 2005.
In this thread:
Current pace .... - LawKat, 8/12/2011, 6:03 pm
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