Re: How strong can Irene get before reaching us here in S. Florida?
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Gianmarc on 8/20/2011, 9:06 pm
The Florida Straits is an awfully warm, fertile breeding ground for re-intensification once Irene emerges north of Cuba. She wouldn't have much real estate left before striking Florida, but I hate to see any tropical system traverse that particular patch of water--historically, it's a breeding ground for rapid intensification and very powerful systems (1935 Labor Day Storm, 1900 Galveston 'cane, Hurricane Donna, many others)
Historic Storms that Tracked over Florida Straits
Hurricane Donna (160 mph storm at one time, caused a fatal plane crash)

1935 Labor Day Hurricane (Achieved Cat 5 intensity while over the Florida Straits)

1919 Florida Keys Hurricane (Cat 4; one of the most intense 'canes in Key West history)

1945 Southeast Florida Hurricane (Also achieved peak intensity over the Florida Straits)

1926 Miami 'Cane (Devastated Miami; peak intensity of 150 mph)

Hurricane Betsy (Needs no introduction)

Hurricane Andrew (Needs no introduction)

TS Irene's Current Forecast Path:
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