Re: Irene moves more WNW again............
Posted by mommom46 on 8/25/2011, 12:22 am
I am a senior and my father who lives near by is 90.  I have been reading the messages and certainly appreciate all of your comments.  My problem is that I live in Martin County, Fl and around our area, considerably away from our shores, is when they expect a 4.  Please, before I go to bed reassure me one more time that Irene will not do a completely unexpected change in course and come toward our county.  I have watched and listened for a few days and decided all was well except some rain and 25 to 30 mph winds.  If anything else is anticipated and some of you are just being cautious but think I should get him out of this area, then please tell me.  He wants to stay and I think we can handle what has been written in your comments and forcasts.
In this thread:
Irene moves more WNW again............ - Stormexpert2010, 8/25/2011, 12:05 am
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