Re: Wake up email from our home owners insurance company...
Posted by Bateauxdriver on 8/25/2011, 7:25 am
Don't let them screw you like they did me in Gustav.  I had over $15,000 based on their estimate, in wind damages and was only paid $3,000 by Allstate.  They based the deductible on the value of my house, not the $500 I agreed to in the contract.  My son was in the hospital getting cancer treatment at the time, so I didn't have time to fight them.  I made the repairs out of pocket and still have a damaged roof today which I had to patch myself to keep the rain, out since no roofers were available a the time. To make all repairs needed the roof, sheetrock, floors, furniture, appliances, clean-up was actually estimated at over $30,000 by a contractor.  I drove every nail, mortared every inch of tile and painted every drop of paint myself. I did so, so that my teenage son would have a livable home to come from the hospital to.  I kick myself now for not getting a lawyer.  I explained the situation to Allstate but, never received more assistance.  My primary concern was the life of my child.  Don't let those heartless bastards screw you like they did me.
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