Re: oh, and it's up to 30% in 5 days now
Posted by
Shalista on 6/3/2016, 11:20 am
idk to be quite honest...there is just too much shear in the Yucatan to even allow anything to develop, and even if whatever it is makes it into the gulf, it has a very short window to get it's act up and together. But again this is looking at the maps today, I'll check back on Monday to see what the shear looks like, but I think that this is going to be a rainmaker for Florida IMO, but again I'll look again on Sunday or Monday.
As of right now based on WV loop and the wind shear tells me that whatever this is, is struggling to form. Although I concur that the steering winds will take it into Florida.
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TWO at 2 , 20% in the Gulf -
6/1/2016, 3:32 pm Post A Reply
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