Re: Fri AM, 10% (yellow) & 60% (orange)
Posted by
Shalista on 6/3/2016, 11:27 am
I don't really buy the 5 day forecast IMO, unless the NHC is seeing something I don't. Right now it's nothing to get excited about just yet, I would just monitor the conditions and revisit this subject in two days. IMO I think we are getting all hyped up because we have had 2 named tropical cyclones before the season started and we are just looking for anything to talk about after Bonnie with the start of the season only being 3 days in. I love all of you, but just wait until we have an invest or a depression. :) Just watch....I'm sure Jim will pipe in when he sees something worthy to talk about. ;) |
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TWO at 2 , 20% in the Gulf -
6/1/2016, 3:32 pm Post A Reply
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