Re: their 11 AM video was very good
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 8/29/2019, 2:02 pm
Adding social media should work again using the "Embed Video / Social Media" option.

Using embed code from those sites will not. In fact, I'm going to remove the ability to use embed code I think. Browsers don't like it when you try to post embed code in a form and try to view it when you submit the page, which is what the forum currently does. A browser doesn't know that on the server side I make sure that the exact format entered matches exactly what the embed code is at those sites, including making sure the link starts with the domain of those social sites, so that malicious code can't be posted. Because the browser can't know that, modern browsers block it for safety, which is a good idea.

The error that just occurred was my fault. A few weeks ago I noticed that I could no longer post text in a monospaced font using <pre></pre> tags. I removed one line of code that replaced any string of spaces together and made it one single space. What I forgot is that the line of code also removed new lines and tabs and replaced them with a single space. The post I posted had a tab in it and that caused most of my post not to appear. The forum automatically added Facebook code to your post to try and allow it to display as an embed. But because I didn't remove extra lines (what the enter key would do basically), when it was stored in the file the Facebook script code was stored on the line that look for any content to decide whether to lock a post. I don't think you posted that Facebook link as a Facebook embed initially, so I need to figure out why that added that script in the first place too.

I think it is fixed now. I remove tabs and extra lines, but not spaces. I still need to fix the ability for administrators to edit posts with social media. I'll do that after I go to the store and restock my canned foods. What I did have for hurricane season I ate last week. I've had a stock of cans for probably over 10 years, getting more sometimes, but I cleaned it out last week for the first time.
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even NHC explained the cone wrong - cypresstx, 8/29/2019, 9:19 am
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