Medical alert buttons are great for older people - O/T
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 11/6/2022, 10:39 pm

I just wanted to add that she isn't in any pain. She just can't really talk. (it happened Saturday morning and she seemed pretty good last night when family was with her at the hospital, she was talking like normal, but things changed when it comes to being able to talk) She still recognizes people at times and smiles at them. She put her arm up a little to give me a hug today. She could improve at times, we'll just have to see. We should all be so lucky to live to 100 and be pretty health until then.

I should add that older people should have a medical device where they can press a button for help. She used that twice this week for the first time after falling twice. She still lived alone until now, and while she was considering looking at assisted living earlier in the week after she fell, she decided against it at the time still. She was going to consider another place Monday before yesterday morning. But at least she had the button to call the paramedics and then they notified family here and us in Florida. First time she did it she was able to get up after falling but had already pressed the button. Because she is deaf basically and couldn't let medical alert company know she no longer needed paramedics, the paramedics were called. There is a number that can be called to cancel paramedics from coming, or at least from being called if soon enough, but not sure if we ever got into those details with her. Medical alert company comes over a speaker that is at her house and ask if she's okay, and might even call, but she wouldn't hear them or the phone ringing. Second time, which was yesterday morning, she was thankfully able to press the button so she could get help soon after.

You can also put emergency contact numbers on the refrigerator. We ended up calling her house both times, after medical alert company called us, and the paramedics actually answered and we talked to them.

To get in the house, there is a lockbox on the door with a key to the house in it. It has a code you have to punch into it to get the key. You call I guess the fire department, I forget where we filed it since it's been awhile since we got it for her, but they had it so that if her address ever came up they would have information on how to get in so that they don't have to break down the door. It's definitely something people should consider that live alone. Not even just someone older I guess.
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