Re: per this post, he did well
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 8/30/2023, 9:47 pm
Somehow we got lucky again.

I briefly heard something from a local chief meteorologist here, Jeff Berardelli, that said the local NBC affiliate would have some stories on why Tampa does usually do well, such as is it climate change or something else. They might have commissioned a study to run a lot of hurricane simulations. I don't know the details or the result, there was going to be something on the local news about it I think in the next few weeks. He had mentioned it last night as it was becoming more likely Tampa wouldn't see the worst impacts of the storm. (Such as no early turn) if I see it I'll post it. We obviously do see major hurricanes, though the last was 1921, and often see some impacts from storms, but not very often for a large portion of the area at the coast for a powerful one.

I hope the chase went well. From cypress' post it seems Bill enjoyed it a lot too.
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Chris - jimw, 8/30/2023, 7:32 pm
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