Re: per this post, he did well
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 9/2/2023, 11:35 pm
I evacuated just down the street. Since it stopped being east of the forecast track earlier on, I decided to not evacuate out of the area. This was an unusual storm when it comes to the timing of the impacts to my area. I was tracking it closely so I knew the wind wouldn't be bad at all and that the surge wouldn't flood me by too much if it did. I knew I should have the opportunity to leave after the wind, but before the surge came, if needed. The neighborhood next to me undergrounded their power lines and in another direction there is much less trees than there used to be, so I didn't anticipate something blocking at least one of those routes. (and there wasn't) Once I saw the water coming up faster than I expected that morning, I did end up driving outside of the front entrance to me neighborhood. I didn't want to take a chance and flood my car keeping it at my house. My front entrance floods easily, so if I was going to leave I had to do it when I did. I parked nearly next to the front entrance and then watched the water come up some and eventually I moved a little further down the street at the golf course across from my neighborhood. The water flooded a little of that parking lot, but it was dry where I was. By then it stabilized pretty much and I didn't need to go to the parking garage I had scouted out previously, and that morning as well. Then I just waited for the water level to come down enough around 9 or 10 hours later, to drive back home.

I never did walk down to the area when it was higher. It was raining off and on heavily. It would have definitely been impassable to cars at that point and likely trucks. (one car ended up in a ditch) I wasn't sure if cops were letting people walk that way at that point either. If a truck stayed in the center of the road, maybe some trucks would have made it. But driving into the front entrance to my neighborhood, or maybe staying in a lane, rather than the center of the road, I don't think would have worked for even trucks at the highest level. My front entrance probably had a foot and a half of water. I didn't measure, but just looking at a photo I had previous taken at the entrance:

The water level was up to nearly the top of those pavers around the drain when I photographed it from a distance. How deep it is is very deceptive. I reminded a few people before the storm about how it floods so easily. If we ever do get a storm that really floods us, unfortunately people are going to get trapped if they didn't evacuate.
In this thread:
Chris - jimw, 8/30/2023, 7:32 pm
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