Some pictures and video
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 9/1/2023, 2:57 am
I just heard today that someone in my neighborhood had tried to drive through the flood waters when the road near my neighborhood was flooded and they ended up in a ditch with their new car. The person who told me didn't mention them being hurt. I did see a fire rescue truck, but not an actual fire truck, go by at one point but I thought they were just checking on people. When exiting my neighborhood you can then go two ways and I guess it happened the other way because I never saw anyone get towed away. When the water got deeper I was no longer next to my front entrance so I guess at some point my neighbor did exit.

I sent an email early Monday morning to the management company that helps manages my neighborhood association about warning people about how bad the front entrance floods before any other areas do, even sending them video of a previous storm, but they never responded. They just sent out something generic.

And speaking of cars in the hurricane, I heard on the news tonight about how a Tesla car in Pinellas County caught fire:

"Officials said the saltwater exposure can trigger combustion within the lithium-ion batteries."

I guess they think that is what happened.

There were also some instances of fires in homes. One home exploded and another partially burned in separate incidents. One I assume was gas, but they didn't mention the cause. Another was something related to when the power came back on, or surge of power. I guess you have to be careful when the power comes back on.

This was the first time I ever turned my power off. I guess you are supposed to do that to reduce the risk of fire. I had everything in a large chest freezer in the garage, including some stuff from the refrigerator, and had a lot of large jugs of water that I froze to keep it all cold and that worked great. I had the power off for maybe 10 hours and it didn't defrost at all.

Video of some of the flooding. It's not really worth watching. I sent it to the friend who I was talking to about the storm, the one who told me about someone driving into a ditch, and I thought I would post it here too.

This was shortly before we left. It's hard to see, but the water is over the seawall and in the grass.

This is what one of the two drains at the front entrance to my neighborhood normally looks like. The water level, compared to the wall of landscaping pavers, can be seen in a later picture.

Front entrance was just starting to flood. We actually drove out once, came back home for a bit, then left again a little later. I was watching the tidal data and verifying that is was how I thought it would be.

Again it's hard to see. Water is starting to come out of drains on either side of the road about 100 feet away from my house.

Dana Shores Drive runs next to my neighborhood. The road in one direction is lower than the other. The road in the other direction is the one we took. Here it was already mostly underwater early in the morning. We parked at the entrance to another neighborhood and then I walked down and took these pictures.

A pond at Rocky Point Golf Course already merged with the tide and was blocking one lane of Dana Shores Drive.

Front entrance of my neighborhood flooding more:

Memorial Highway was under water before 6am already. I never did get pictures, but we were checking out a parking garage at the business park across from Skyway Park and we drove by that intersection. Eventually police were blocking off roads in a lot of places.

Later we drove to McDonalds. This was on Hillsborough Avenue. It must have been flooded. I guess I didn't get pictures elsewhere, but side streets all over the place were closed, with some still having police blocking roads even in the afternoon.

Once the water level came down some, police let us through and said we could go if we wanted to, at our own risk. We parked where we had early in the morning for awhile again and then later when it came down some more we went home.

An alarm was going off where this truck went to and they turned it off.

Where water level was in my yard:

The surge saturated this plumeria and it just tipped over, roots and all.

A board and some bottles were among the debris.

In this thread:
Chris - jimw, 8/30/2023, 7:32 pm
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