Re: it blew through here yesterday
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 1/9/2024, 9:15 pm
I hope you don't see any damage from flooding, with your town specifically named in the message. Hopefully you don't have to go to work. That seemed like an issue in a previous storm if I recall correctly, where they didn't close perhaps.

There was some damage in Panama City I saw on the news today. We had a few reports of tornadoes around the Tampa Bay area, but not near me. One so far was just a EF-0 on the other side of the bay. At least where I am the water level is lower than the December front that had a loose boat in my canal. It's only 2.79 feet above the predicted level so far for my part of the bay. Though it was 3.65 feet above predicted in Clearwater Beach and 4.44 feet above predicted in Cedar Key.

We have been getting a lot of beach erosion in the area and from that message it is a similar issue with these storms in the Northeast too. It's been somewhat of a losing battle. They keep adding sand back and it keeps getting taken away. I was kind of thinking why bother right now, but one of the resident's they interviewed on the local news tonight said that maybe if they had not over the past few months the water might have been crashing into homes now.

There are a lot of fronts this year. The temperature is a roller coaster (though not that cold, only sometimes with lows in the 40's), with rain every several days from a front.

It wasn't very windy around me. I saw on the local news that some of the power companies I think were trimming, or having trimmed, some things around power lines ahead of the storm.
In this thread:
Damaging winds, coastal flooding tonight/overnight - Fred, 1/9/2024, 6:34 pm
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