Re: well done
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 9/24/2024, 2:25 pm
A neighbor who moved to Texas, and whose old house is among the lowest in the neighborhood, emailed this morning wishing us the best with the storm. I thanked her again because when she moved she gave us two of her dehumidifiers. A portion of that email:
Unfortunately this one is going to be close. There is a chance we'll get some water in the house even if the current forecast holds on track, storm size and intensity. We're preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. It's forecast to be relatively fast moving, but the storm's forecast size could be a problem for us, driving more water into the Bay than a smaller storm. And if it were to end up being closer, stronger, or even larger than forecast, it would be a bit more likely. The forecast at the moment is 5 to 8 feet. Upwards of 8 feet with some waves could flood us. But we'll stay safe. We're not boarding up as water seems to be the issue with this one for us if it remains on forecast. And if it gets even closer, we'll leave for sure. We have four dehumidifiers, two from you (thanks for those), so if we have power and get a little bit of water in the house, we'll use them when it's safe. (if we leave or the water comes up too high we'll shut off the breakers) We got a new air conditioner about a month and a half ago, and they put an extra concrete slab on top when they installed it, and it takes out the water in the house better. So that would help too. But again, just hoping for the best.
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FSU to close for Helene - cypresstx, 9/24/2024, 12:06 pm
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