NRL Tropical Cyclone Page
Posted by cypresstx on 10/7/2024, 6:13 am

if you look at their graphic for Milton's track, you will notice semi-circles for each quadrant of the cyclone at pre-determined intervals in the forecast - that is how far the winds are forecast to reach at that point in the forecast It shows different colors for 34/50/64 knot wind radii, if that speed is forcast to be reached at that interval. It is the same exact forecast that NHC originates, just in a different graphical display. Notice that almost the entire length of the state of Florida is covered by those semi-circles at landfall

If you click on the "Legend" box to the right of "Tutorial" on the forecast graphic, it gives you a walk-thru on how to read it, with hyper-links for different parts

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