Re: home prep tips for hurricanes
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 10/22/2024, 6:12 pm
I didn't remember to do that, but my dad did. We closed all the interior doors before we evacuated. Most of our house though is connected without doors though.

For the second storm, boarding up the windows was really needed at my house. With the way the storm moved, a giant single pane window that is north facing would have definitely broken had we not. (It broke once before decades ago perhaps on its own) That would have allowed the wind to reach four connected rooms without doors and would have then likely broken the sliding glass doors on the other side of the house, and potentially the roof. The way rain got through the cracks between panels in my east facing garage door, I can tell that rain would have destroyed everything in the house had that happened. (It dried out before we noticed, only a doormat and gloves on floor were wet) It would have blown everywhere had rain got into the house through a broken window. Cabinets and walls included. While we closed interior doors, ours are quite weak. It really would likely do no good in our case, but you do everything you can and hope for the best.
In this thread:
home prep tips for hurricanes - cypresstx, 10/21/2024, 7:05 am
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