I used to love "WX Twitter"
Posted by cypresstx on 10/26/2024, 8:18 pm
for severe outbreaks, etc... when you could see reasonable people showing legit info - sadly, those days are gone..

which is why I have absolutely no twitter accounts saved any longer, not even facebook, which has also started to reduce what you can see on public posts, most I can see from any accout on fb now is maybe two...

I even deleted my amazon account - online "anything" has really degraded, even verizon which just wants to show "blue pill" ads in the middle of a weather emergency...

I'll stick with the sources that are real & don't fill my internet experience with misleading or disgusting info
In this thread:
High impacts considering lower amount of named storms. - jimw, 10/23/2024, 7:09 am
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