Re: I used to love "WX Twitter"
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 10/26/2024, 11:22 pm
I rarely log into Facebook. I login to see some family photos sometimes, but that's about it. All the companies are about trying to get as much information as they can about you to either sell your data, serve you ads, or both. I can't imagine how it is growing up with social media as it is now.

I did like to see Twitter for breaking news, including weather. But for some their purpose is to create fake information to trick people, even for weather. And of course these companies want to force you to login, which is ridiculous. Let's say you wanted to get information about a tornado in your region. Have to login first to maybe see what people are posting. You can see the main NWS tornado feed when not logged in, but if you want to see what your favorite meteorologists might be sharing quickly, nope.

These companies aren't even trying to be helpful or have a positive role. I know it's hard to get rid of all the bad stuff, impossible really, but they've just given up I think. I just don't see how it will ever get better either. If a social media company gets big enough, the toxic stuff will be all over it soon enough perhaps. But hopefully some will come around that don't just eventually give up standing up to it.
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High impacts considering lower amount of named storms. - jimw, 10/23/2024, 7:09 am
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