Re: thanks Chris
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 1/21/2025, 12:11 pm
America started a dark chapter yesterday. Ever since he came down that escalator 9 years ago, but really so now. It's not going to be a good four years sadly. And then it's going to take time to recover somewhat from it for who knows how long.

America will eventually get past it, but it's not going to be easy and it's going to be awhile.

And social media is awful. There a few benefits, but the major social media companies bowed down to him so they are all in it for profit at this point. (they always have been, but there's no pretending now) They haven't just given up on doing the right thing, they are actively, gleefully, doing the wrong thing. Being evil is fun I guess. And pays well. They had a front row seat at the coronation yesterday. That's what a million dollars or more buys you.

And with the billions being made by all these lunatics, they can buy off each and every election from now on.

It's so sad that enough people in this country lost their minds. No easy way to deprogram a cult. I have no words of comfort, lol. I just hope that in subsequent elections people don't forget what these next four years are going to bring. They forgot in the last four years already, so I'm not exceptionally hopeful. (but it's going to be worse this time, so maybe they'll remember this time!)
In this thread:
Jim has been in the hospital over the weekend - Chris in Tampa, 1/19/2025, 8:10 pm
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