First I am finally home but still a bit nauseous what an ordeal. I was rushed by ambulance Friday night and released Yesterday afternoon. The frustrating part is that the surgeons that did the original operation can't seem to pin down what exactly is going on. They ran CT SCAN and numerous xrays that were inconclusive and finally labeled it as partial obstruction and infection. They finally gave me contrast to drink which pushed everything out including the kitchen sink ;-( They mentioned a lot of scar tissue from operations may be preventing foods from going down properly so I am now of a soft diet. Anyway as far as Trump is concerned it's going to be a long haul and yes social media is a dumpster fire now especially with no fact checking as if that doesn't matter. Drill baby drill and ridding of climate accord wreaks of piggish behavior that got us in this mess in the first place. We are already the #1 oil producer so what does he want to do next destroy the east gulf and east coast as well. this is an ecological disaster unfolding before our eyes..