Re: America isn't going to recover from this - O/T
Posted by karen on 2/6/2025, 1:53 pm
Hang in there. Not everything he is trying to do will float. His goal is to hit us with so much that we actually believe he really has the power to do all of this and we become so overwhelmed/confused/depressed that we forget to resist. His birthright EO was stopped by a judge. His Tariffs failed. Others will be challenged.

Yes, he will do some damage. He has already done some. Congress is back in session on the 8th, and it appears that *some* of the members are clueing in. Hopefully.

I'm scared, too...very scared and angry, but I refuse to give that orange pile of puke my sanity or my humanity. I won't give him my hope. You are not alone, Chris.

(All that being said, ICE has been in my town for a few days, and I am in tears remembering the fear of my little 6th graders when this happened the last time. How in the H*** does one answer an 11 year old who asks what he should do if he gets home from school and his parents are gone? Where will he go? Etc.
In this thread:
so DOGE apparently entered NOAA today... - cypresstx, 2/4/2025, 10:56 pm
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