Re: America isn't going to recover from this - O/T
Posted by Chris in Tampa on 2/7/2025, 1:16 am
The courts need to act fast. USAID has saved millions of lives over the decades. There's an Ebola outbreak in Africa that I'm guessing we'll do nothing about. Part of what we do around the world isn't selfless, it's to protect ourselves. If he doesn't want to do the kind thing, it can be about that. Or the fact that we benefit from good relationships when we pay other countries to help them. Even religious people are upset because some of them have missions where they help people that Musk doesn't want to help.

For USAID, even farmers are upset in places because U.S. bought a lot of excess crops from them to feed the pour. Of course if we deport all the immigrants, we may not have crops that are picked as Americans generally don't want those jobs. The most hardworking people are the ones we now want to get rid of.

Bird flu in the country is going to spread and mutate more. Too many stories about its spread into this and that. The CDC might be useless on it until it's too late. I'm just waiting for them to stop tracking disease. Out of sight, out of mind. Until it's everywhere.

The tariffs on Mexico and Canada are only delayed a month. There are some on China. He might come up with saying he got some kind of other concession, even pretending, but that will always be out there. Europe will be next and we'll get into the threatening to leave NATO again, which I'm sure he'll do. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried getting out of the United Nations. Some things you do need Congress for, but if RFK gets though confirmation, the new GOP is willing to do just about anything unless it might start a world war.

They are messing and threatening everything though. Musk is the acting president essentially.

Musk is going to mess with the FAA next. The guy is famous for safety. Like when he blew up his launch pad because he was too cheap to build it properly the first time around.

Musk wants to get rid of all regulations on everything and then only add ones back if there is need. So basically, probably wait until enough people get killed because of something, and then wait until the media makes enough of a big deal about it, then reluctantly maybe make the regulation. Then probably bask in how they're saving America. Regulations are there for a reason. Some I'm sure could be simplified a bit, but they're not interested in actually doing what's right of course.

What's happening with immigration is sad too. I know we can't let in everybody, but sending people to our most famous military base worldwide probably due to where we tortured people is just designed to be as cruel as possible. Like kidnapping children in the first administration. They got away with that and many kids never saw their parents again.

For the birthright citizenship issue, they're already probably going to deport American kids with their parents if the parents are not citizens. We'll see if the Supreme Court does anything, but I'm not hopeful. 6 to 3 or 5 to 4 votes are likely to not go the way of humanity. Maybe on that particular issue it will, but not on a lot of the rest. When they delays one of the cases against Trump until the very last day they could, it was clear what side they were on. Personally, I think that, or when they a president can basically do what they want if it's an official act, is when democracy kind of collapsed. Or when he pardoned the people who stormed the Capitol. Any temporary reprieves are due to judges of old, from democrats to the old republican party judges. The new right will continue to spread in the judiciary to some extent.

There is hope for some. I don't know how many thousands to millions they will kill around the world, but in the end, most will survive. I think that some of the people doing this will eventually face justice. It will be very delayed, but I think in the end it will come for some and they will deeply regret the consequences they face.

I just wish so many didn't have to suffer until then.

I don't know when America went so wrong. When he came down the escalator it was a joke. Now America is a joke in just a decade. You are going to see countries around the world isolate us and probably sanction us eventually. I would imagine some countries that we need things from might stop trade and we'll see Trump potentially use military action to get what we want, especially for certain for rarer elements we need. At some point, we might get to where the military even needs to make a decision on whether to follow his orders.

There are going to be a lot of protests in this country, but from red states to federally, how long until he does what he wanted them to do in his first term, which was literally have the military shoot protesters. (not to kill them, but wound them)

I don't think anyone will be able to ignore where we are headed. I would love to be shocked and the courts, his rich friends, and/or elected republicans make him change his mind.

If it's something that would hurt the stock market, he might change his mind. Anything else is uncertain. Protests might give enough bad publicity, but that depends on whether states or the federal government ban that kind of thing as much as they possibly can. They'll want to make an example out of people to lessen those that would speak up. I'm hoping were not to be a country where other counties in the world have to report daily on how the current U.S. regime killed a certain amount of peaceful protesters on a particular day.

I never thought I would live in a dictatorship, but here we kind of are. We're not quite there yet, but we're certainly more than half way.

I do have some hope. It's just going to be a long time before it gets better. Trump and Musk aren't doing things to hurt me, they're doing things to hurt others. And that's just sad on its own. But so many people will experience a lot of pain before it gets better simply because just enough stupid people exist in this country. The entire course of human civilization altered by someone who may lie more publicly than any other human being that has ever lived. Social media is a hell of a thing to somehow allow that to happen. Not sure how to fix that for future elections we may have. That's the root cause. We're dealing with only the fallout of the toxic side of social media. And social media is going to be even more hands off next time. And Musk has hundreds of billions of dollars to spend on the future elections. So, I have some hope, but it's limited at the moment. We'll see of the Supreme Court changes my mind when the many cases all across the country start making their way up to them.
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so DOGE apparently entered NOAA today... - cypresstx, 2/4/2025, 10:56 pm
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