Re: Quake in Ozarks at 1:24Z not logged on USGS
Posted by JAC on 2/17/2011, 9:15 pm
For now, but cornal holes and sunspots still there.

I am expecting more.

In fact the forecast is for bigger solar wind storms next week.

Check this out.

Now that the CME past, the Alaska Ionosopheric Heater just turned on and is transmitting very strong ELF at 0.5 and 1.0Hz.

I don't think the 1.0 Hz is a harmonic of the 0.5 Hz transmission since it looks stronger.

They are in fact transmitting simultaneoulsy at both frequencies.

Also still transmitting at 1.5 MHz as well but reduced power than yesterday.

The ELF is below Schuman resonance so it can't be associated with the CME.

What is up with all that?

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New Swarm in the New Madrid Seismic Zone - JAC, 2/16/2011, 11:47 am
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