Posted by Mike_Doran on 7/25/2009, 9:08 am

Solar winds slowly have decreased as the coronal hole is gone but when it was there the earth directed winds increased over 500 km/second.  This in my opinion is hard on couplings essentially because the charges held in place over them are blow away by the solar winds. The charges have to then go someplace and if they go over convection they make it easier for shorts to occur across the non conductive atmosphere as charges cause plasma--which is air with enough heat and electrical energy to become conductive.

But what was interesting to me is the new tiny sun spot seems like it is facing the earth and hence immediately (8 minutes or whatever it takes something travelling at the speed of light to travel) there was increases in xray activity and that means more ionization in the upper atmosphere.  In short, the atmosphere in general becomes more conductive.  So you get this combination of charges available and a conductive atmosphere to carry them.  That really makes it easy for the potential difference to enhance lightning, IMHO.  At some point a new equillibrium is reached.

In contrast, what I have been saying about tropical storms is over time the charging' to the core of the earth becomes important, too, and that takes a longer time and trending.  What we also have seen with human activity is that this occurs more intensely in the northern hemisphere, because there is more global lighning affecting the northern hemisphere due to it having more land. So the affects of a more conductive atmosphere from CO2 is felt in the late summer and fall, or during, basically, the CV season.  This is why the Arctic ice sheet is melting faster than other places, and why it occurs at a very very specific time of year, and again, this is what I predicted would occur this past winter when all the conservative web pages were pointing at the sun, spotless running days and the return of the ice sheet to 'normal' levels off the 1979 data set.  Also again this is why 1914 is a control year with the sun and this year indicates the degree of electrical change which has occurred from CO2 and river changes, but mostly from CO2 in my view.

Finally, the stability of earth climate dispite the numbers of inputs from the sun, space weather and so forth . . . gets back to the implausibility of the instability.  I know those who think about climate strickly from chaos math have a problem with this, but the argument has been taught in biological sciences for decades now.  The change of a first life coming together by random chance is the same as a printing press blowing up and a fully unabridged dictionary coming from the flash.  Likewise, the chance of a stabile earth climate is the same as lightning flashing randomly everywhere and the earth EMF responding in symphony to all the threats of earth EMF stability from spaceweather. 

Welcome to living earth design theory.
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Spaceweather - Mike_Doran, 7/24/2009, 10:36 am
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