Re: New study indicates a period of high TC activity during the Medieval Climate Anomaly
Posted by Cape_Fear_NC on 8/13/2009, 6:43 pm
LOL, no no you silly boy! You looked at my post but you didn't READ it.

If the French sailed on St. Augustine and the Spanish travelled by land to Jacksonville - how in the world could the Spanish Armada possibly be involved?

The Spanish Armada attack England - and that series of battles was a cacaphony of screw ups:

I suspect you're very busy and on some sort of "auto pilot" thinking. Perhaps some historical reading (just for fun) might be a good distraction eh?

Anyway, take care and hopefully you'll be refreshed before the real show begins in a few days.

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New study indicates a period of high TC activity during the Medieval Climate Anomaly - JAC, 8/13/2009, 8:42 am
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