Re: Very very nice
Posted by Mike_Doran on 8/21/2009, 5:39 pm
Well the farthest away from earth are the van Allen belts.  There is the electron belt and then the proton belt, respectively.  Interestingly in May of 1998 as the 500 year El Nino ended a third belt formed as SSTs in the Pacific dropped 10 degF in 30 days.  Then there is there are layers of atmosphere as pressure increases.

By coupling what I am talking about is opposing charges attracted to each other.  The relative strength of this coupling can vary and hence how charges 'sit' or are held in organization over the coupling can vary with the field.  That is why the Stanford paper about low freq signals is so cool--it's like a guitar string--how tight the string is, or how tight the EMF couplings are, has been measured over a tropical storm.  So it's observed that these static couplings exist over tropical storms.
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Big jump back up in core temp - JAC, 8/21/2009, 10:45 am
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