Re: did anyone see that explosion on the oil spill cam?
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James g on 5/30/2010, 3:37 am
Beechlover; My thoughts are not based upon speculation ! Sorry about not giving documentation leads,but fact of the matter is that any body who doubts me can do the research for themselves and come to their own conclusions.My thoughts are based upon my own research,BP's track record and some knowledge about how international corporations conduct buisness;knowldge gainend from nothing but years of observing current events. Did you not see the Rachaiel Maddow special in which she compares the 79 incident and the responce to that event with Deepwater Horizon ? So far every tactic tried by BP was tried in responce to the 79 incident and in that incident,''which was in 200 feet of water''each of the tatics failed ! You would have to be very niaeve to think that BP really believed that the tactics which failed to work in 200 feet of water,might somehow work in 5000 plus feet of water ! Beechlover;we live in a very dangerous period in history thanks to the fact that a small minority of very wealthy,overly competitive and ruthless financial,industrial and political elites have an undue and enormous influence upon world events.It is not a stretch of the truth to say that the planet is now largly the private domain of people who truely believe that the earth and every thing upon it should be ,if not out right ownend by them,then at least entirely under their control.Many of these eliets view the common people of the world as'' useless eaters'' who are essentialy unworthy of life.These people instead of admitting that they have control over more of the planet's resources than what is fair and sustainable,would rather blame poverty,starvation and enviromental degredation on overpopulation,thus they have spearheaded a propaganda champaighn aimed at convincing governments world over that depopulation programs are both moral and nessacary if the earth and humanity are to be preserved in the long run.If you are thinking that I am a conspiracy theorist,then you are very right ! Conspiracies carried out by powerfull people have shaped the history of human civillization from the time of the Greek empire up to this very day ! The very term conspiracy is in fact a legal term reconized by every court system in America,and probably the world for that matter.Okay thats enough from me now ! Do your own research and happy storm chasing ! |
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