Re: did anyone see that explosion on the oil spill cam?
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James g on 6/9/2010, 4:49 am
Beechlover,I should not even reply to this post at such a late point but I missed your responce untill now,and well I just can not help myself ! You are right about my ideas not being facts,and perhaps I should have stated my thoughts diffrently. However when someone has an opinion based upon facts,-the Maddow show was real,and corporations have in fact been known to cut corners,cheat and desecrate the enviroment ,and we know that BP has been anything but forthcoming with the truth in this matter,and it is a fact that all of BP's attempts to stop this spew were tried and proven useless in the 79 incident-that opinion then becomes a ''theory'',not ''speculation''.Speculation is the formulation of opinion that is not nessacarly based upon fact.
It is not common practice for a person engaged in casual conservation to always point out to the audiance that their opinions and theories are not proven fact ! And that is also a fact ! At this point I can only speculate as to why it is that you seem to be hostile to the expression of my opinions.At times you come across as very pro industry.I am going to speculate that the opposite may be the case and you are simply desperate to cling to whatever bit of hope you can find.Now you see that is speculation,because it is an idea not based upon observable fact. |
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