Re: When a name is retired is it permanent?
Posted by CypressTX on 7/9/2010, 7:08 pm
it is odd that they would list the 10-yr thing on a noaa site - probably put there by a lawyer, to cover all behinds (no offense LawKat:)  can you even imagine Katrina being used in 2016???  or any bad one for that matter, being recycled - they would get even more crap than they will likely get over the 0% chance thingy !!!  

this part of their op manual made me read it thrice... and I still get confused

"The following rules apply for tropical cyclones passing from basin to another:  the name will be retained if a tropical cyclone passes from one basin into another basin as a tropical cyclone, i.e. advisories are continuous.  An unnamed tropical depression will also retain its number (e.g. Tropical Depression Six E remains Tropical Depression Six E) if it crosses into another basin.

Within a basin, if the remnant of a tropical cyclone redevelops into a tropical cyclone, it is assigned its original number or name.  If the remnants of a former tropical cyclone regenerate in a new basin, the regenerated tropical cyclone will be given a new designation."
In this thread:
When a name is retired is it permanent? - Chris in Tampa, 7/9/2010, 3:01 pm
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