Re: Top 5 Hurricane Vulnerable & Overdue Cities
Posted by Jackstraw on 7/15/2010, 8:23 pm
I agree Chris.  And I especially agree with #3 on that list.  Specifically Pinellas  County.  The amount of sub-par (in a minute) growth there since the last time they got hammered is probably greater than NY or the Miami area.  Don't get me wrong, the NY and Miami areas would be a disaster but Pinellas County could very well be the most vulnerable place in the country.  There are roughly 3400 people per square mile there, 3 times the amount in Broward.  There's only 3 ways out, over bridges,and all of them have to go through Tampa (of course there's the northern route up the 19 corridor but they could very well be paralleling the storm.) .  During the growth period from the 70's through the 90's Pinellas had one of the weakest building codes in the state when it came to hurricanes.  They didn't require homes to be built to the standards of the east coast of Fl. (not that that was much better, but it makes the homes there even worse). It has one of the most densely packed collection of mobile homes in the country.  When Elena never hit in '89 almost half the county was under water.   I lived there for 20 years.  I was just back down their a couple of weeks ago and to this day I believe, when combined with geography and  vulnerability, that place may be the biggest powder keg in the country.
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Top 5 Hurricane Vulnerable & Overdue Cities - Fred, 7/15/2010, 5:43 pm
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