Re: Top 5 Hurricane Vulnerable & Overdue Cities
Posted by
ArgosyTn on 7/15/2010, 11:38 pm
I agree totally Jackstraw. Pinellas County is a total nightmare waiting to happen. The evacuation of the county is mostly bridges and causways. The Howard Franklin Bridge is a mess every rush hour and that leads through tampa. The Courtney Cambell and Gandy bridges aren't much better. I went through Charley in 2004 waiting for it to hit but you know what happened. The mind set of the people that live In the Tampa area is very complacent. Most think a cane will never hit them. Some people woke up after 2004 but fell back asleep. I tried buying metal shutters the winter of 2005 and Home Depot told me the are special order. There motto is out of sight out of mind. like most people. There is a large population of people in nursing homes that will have to go to shelters. There isn't enough shelters to begin with. If a major cane hit Tarpon Springs area it would be a nightmare. Most of Pinellas County would be under water. The worst would be the aftermath. The death toll will be in the thousands. I was prepared to the best of my ability with Charley and I was less than a mile from the Gulf. Most people on my street didn't even bring in the trash cans. Most people don't care until it's too late,, then there the first ones to complain if they survive. That's one of the reasons I don't live in Pinellas County anymore. |
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