Re: funk top (REDUNO)
Posted by karen on 7/21/2010, 11:43 am
I like to track them too, but only to be prepared.  As for Mother Nature...she has been in quite a snit for some 5 years or so now, all across the globe. I like her okay, but I suspect she has it in for the rest of us. :P

No-one needs to leave the board, though...we are all here for our own reasons.  Right? You and Bobbi get off on the excitement of it.  I get under the bed and hide. (Hehe). And all of us are just fine, whomever we are. Without enthusiasts we chickens would have no info to quake over. :) (I appreciate your expertise.)

<Group hug>
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Help me out here....we're waiting for conditions to improve with 97L?? - jack ruby, 7/21/2010, 10:33 am
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