Important Tips and Advice for Those in the Path of Irene
Posted by DTB_2009 on 8/25/2011, 8:14 pm
Since there are many of us regulars on this board that have been through several hurricanes during our lifetime, I think we should compile our words of wisdom to those that may be coming here for advice.  Please reply to this post with your advice.

To those of you reading this for advice, I hope the information here can help you in at least some small way.

LISTEN TO YOUR LOCAL AUTHORITIES - they are the ones that know your immediate area much better than anyone else.  If they tell you to evacuate, don't question them, just leave.

PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES - LIFE first then property and important papers and medicines.  Things can be replaced,  a life obviously cannot.  Hurricanes are fascinating to watch, but don't jeopardize your life or your loved ones' lives.

EXPECT TO LOSE POWER -  All it takes is ONE dead or dying tree between the source and your home and it's gone.  One wind gust of 50 mph is about all it takes.

DO NOT PUT TAPE ON YOUR WINDOWS - it will not do anything and will only take up some valuable time that you could be using to do something else useful.

TANK UP YOUR VEHICLES (and fuel canisters if you have a generator) - many filling stations and convenience stores may have fuel after the storm, BUT the pumps run on electricity which may not be available for several days or WEEKS.

GET A SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF CASH BEFOREHAND -  ATMs and credit card readers and networks are the same as fuel pumps - they need power to operate.  Some may be able to operate off of generators, but most will not be able to dispense cash and banks may not be available.

HAVE 1 GALLON OF WATER PER PERSON PER DAY FOR SEVERAL DAYS AND SEVERAL DAYS WORTH OF NON-PERISHABLE FOOD.  If necessary, put water in anything that will hold it and keep it somewhat sanitary.

DON'T FORGET A MANUAL CAN OPENER or some other makeshift way to open cans of food.

BE WARY OF ANIMALS OF ALL KINDS (especially if you experience flooding) - Animals are looking for dry ground and food also.

OVER-PREPARE WITHIN REASON - If you don't get hit hard and don't flood or lose power,  you can relax and be thankful.

One last tip that I learned from the school of hard knocks:


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Important Tips and Advice for Those in the Path of Irene - DTB_2009, 8/25/2011, 8:14 pm
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