Tasks and equipment checklists for hurricane prep
Posted by louromig on 8/25/2011, 10:16 pm
At the link below you'll find my own checklist for family hurricane preps, including a specific checklist for living with a generator. I lecture around the country on disaster preparedness and have been through the drill and through the storms here in Miami numerous times. I'm also the medical director of a federal Disaster Medical Assistance Team, so I've got experience as both a storm survivor and a responder. Believe me, if you don't already have a hurricane-specific plan, these checklists will save you lots of time and bring up some of the really small things that can make big differences. Feel free to download, print and share these lists. You can also go through the powerpoint lectures but the lists are much more concise.

Here's the link: http://jumpstarttriage.com/Other_Lectures.php . The checklists are about halfway down the page.

Federal disaster medical teams are already mobilizing and staging outside of the immediate impact areas. If we're needed we'll be in as soon as locations are identified and we can physically get into the affected areas. God willing, we won't be needed, but we're more than happy to leave home, wait to see what happens and then be told to head home again because there are no missions for us!  

If you're in the potential target zones, please start acting NOW.

Dr Lou Romig's hurricane prep checklists
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Important Tips and Advice for Those in the Path of Irene - DTB_2009, 8/25/2011, 8:14 pm
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