May I just share?
Posted by Conclue on 8/27/2011, 12:27 am
I hope I do not offend anyone or cause ill feelings, but as a hurricane enthusiast and my passion for this and climate change to push me to obtain a degree in Atmos. Sci; to have the local NWS that I interned at have a Tropical Storm Watch up for our region is so exciting.

I'm torn and conflicted because I'm scared of what will happen in the coming days, but as someone who loves weather especially tropical meteorlogy, to see my area under a TS Watch has me feeling like a little kid.

I know I'm conflicted by my own thoughts but being in Albany NY, this is something I never thought I'd see up here like this. I mean really? TS Watch in Albany?! CRAZY!!!!!!

I hope I'm not being in appropriate by sharing this wtih you. This "excitment" will prolly pass within an hour when I start catching up on what I missed today.I just checked IR imagery to see what she was doing, I really am out of the loop today.I'm sure I'll be horrified and scared again for millions soon enough.

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May I just share? - Conclue, 8/27/2011, 12:27 am
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