Re: May I just share?
Posted by Skip Wiley on 8/27/2011, 3:17 pm
Just b/c she likes weather and is awed by it does not make her foolish.  Heck, I still get excited too see the wind blow.  But I have also been on state disaster relief teams after Hurricane Charley and I work for local government on a barrier island now so storms are no picnic.   I've seen what storms can do.  I have friends who hunkered in a closest and watched their roof rip off during Andrew.

I don't recall seeing her wish death and destruction on anyone.  She likes weather like we all do on the the site.  I get people like you slamming me on Facebook (my friends no less) freaking out and getting mad every time I post about us being in the cone or wondering when the next one will hit.  Last time I checked neither Conclue or I have any ability to control the weather so relax, what we comment on cannot cause the storm to move.  

Conclue is a great asset to our community, don't criticize her for expressing her feelings
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May I just share? - Conclue, 8/27/2011, 12:27 am
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