EMF look see at Carlos
Posted by Mike_Doran on 7/11/2009, 1:54 pm

One thing to think about when a storm tracks out there in the Pacific--away from shore, knowing that the electrical fields strengths are often described as a function as an inverse of the distance squared and the source of lightning is land, is that there has to be special electrical conditions for the storm to exist.  With Carlos, I see two things.  The first is obvious in warm anamoly SSTs associated with El Nino temps.  This allows those displacement currents to 'reach' farther along more conductive pathways to Carlos.  The other thing I see, which is probably again connected to 1 above, is a cold core system in the South Pacific.  You can see the strikes and hence displacement currents that could power Carlos in the greater Pacific image above.  This lightning is close and corresponds to the RI of Carlos. 

BTW there has been a pretty good burst of UV light from the sun the past couple of days as seen on spaceweather.com

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Could Carlos be first US cane of season? - UMRSMASOrtt, 7/10/2009, 11:01 pm
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