Stanford paper not junk science
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Mike_Doran on 7/12/2009, 4:46 pm
This is a good starting point.
Confirms correlation.
Provides mechanism how something in one place (lightning) can CAUSE coupling in another place. EG teleconnection.
What is missing is how electrical condition CAUSES RI or sometimes lack of electrics causes no RI and so forth.
The direct proof of this is in small scale microphysics behaviors. Again, the problem of scale going from large scale to small scale.
The indirect proof is what I am trying to document here. For instance, consider the two most intense storms on record Wilma and Gilbert both slammed into the asteroid impact site which has electrical signature, and was previously associated with an extinction event that killed everything over 50 pounds. I have gone on and on about the indirect circumstantial proof including the fact that recent study which shows 24 hours prior to RI globally there is an increase of lightning.
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