Re: such thing
Posted by
Cape_Fear_NC on 7/14/2009, 5:01 pm
Hello Mike. I'm pretty much okay these days; the depression monkey, though never off my back, has at least lightened up this summer.
I managed to take up an invitation to VA/MD/DC and see old friends; something I've not done in seven years. This summer has also found me swimming again - not enough, but it's a start - and I'm out and about on the bike more than in the past. Bottom line - both physical and mental health are improved this year over the previous several.
On a local note, for the first time ever - I'm glad I live on the second floor because most of the first floor apartments in my part of town were ruined by last Monday's flood (July 6th.) On today's bike ride I still saw many "recovery trucks" up and down the street - doing the job of gutting and cleaning out the dozens of wrecked apartments. The odor of disinfectant wafts about.
We were hammered all evening into the late night by a relentless train of thunderstorms with regular breaks of about two minutes between each. It was truly astounding. People flocked outdoors to ride boogie board, inflatable rafts, and to push the many stranded cars to what little high ground could be found.
Unfortunately, few residents had any insurance and suffered much loss.
Second floor here...whew! (All the people below me are gone now.)
And did I mention the tadpoles and little fishies that were swimming in the street, sidewalk and grass? And the huge dumpster that floated half-way down the complex, past my front door, rounded the corner then landed on the grass above the curb! Even the power went out that night. Yea, it was wild here - like a hurricane without the wind!
I keep busy on the net posting in the finance area but am looking forward to the opening of the Atlantic Basin this year. I'm sure Jim can't wait, ha-ha!
Hope all is well at your end,
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