Re: When Life Gives You Oil, Make Biodiesel?
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CypressTX on 6/13/2010, 7:34 pm
when is the shrimp & crawfish's breeding season? might that not wash out the young? or the incredible numbers of birds nesting in the marshes, might that not cover their nests - same thought with changing the river course.
I read somewhere that when an earlier oil spill hit the LA coast decades ago (I think due to a hurricane) they burned the marshes to get rid of the oil. The marsh grasses grew back, but who knows what that did to wildlife???
According to this site: these birds all breed in the marshes of Louisiana
Great Blue Heron Clapper Rail Great Egret Purple Gallinule Snowy Egret Common Moorhen Cattle Egret American Coot Tricolored Heron Willet Green-backed Heron Black-necked Stilt Little Blue Heron Forster's Tern Black-crowned Night Heron Fish Crow Least Bittern Marsh Wren Glossy Ibis Common Yellowthroat White-faced Ibis Red-winged Blackbird White Ibis Boat-tailed Grackle Mottled Duck Seaside Sparrow King Rail
reading this was very informative - can you imagine bison roaming our Louisiana today? Man has really changed this continent in the past, and continues to do so today...
I remember seeing moose and wolves when I was much younger in N MN (even in our acreage/yard), you would be very hard pressed to find them now, though the wolf has rebounded a bit.
I guess the more things change the more they will never be the same heavy sigh... |
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