Re: The Year of Not Much?
Posted by Mater79 on 8/3/2010, 1:38 pm
I agree with Doug, seems to be a bust. If you read the pre-season forecast and all the Media hype following; you would have thought that the year of Katrina would was calm season compaired to this years outlook.  It really does ordinairy citizens an injustice when that much spin (pardon the pun) is placed on these forecast. Looking at trends and going off the school of thougth that the earth's weather pattern or cyclical I would say that we will have fairly quiet seasons for the next 2-3 years. When it comes the "above average" seasons; what metric are they using to make that statement. I would hate to think that an element of hype is placed into these forecast, in order to casue a stir and a good media story. just my two cents... I have always been a lurker on this site and think that you guys actually give a good , non-hyped anaylsis of what is going on.
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The Year of Not Much? - DougInBrevardForce10, 8/3/2010, 12:35 pm
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