Re: 18 years ago at this time - where were you and how were things going
Posted by Bateauxdriver on 8/26/2010, 11:15 pm
It is hard to believe that it is already 18 years ago.

I was sitting in a hot and damaged house as well in SE LA.  We had moved into our first home less than a month at that time.  Was able to get some roll roofing to patch up my roof.  My screen porch was totally destroyed and filled with huge tree limbs.  Purchased a chain saw out of the back of an 18 wheel truck at home depot after waiting in line.  Was living on can goods and cooking on a coleman stove.  We have the Amite River in front of our house and it had a massive fish kill.  The smell of those dead fish in the heat without electrcity for over two weeks was terrible.  I was able to take a shower at work once they got power back after a few days.  I at that time had never heard of nor did I ever see a FEMA agent.  The flood water was inches from my door and I was within my 30 day waiting period.  We didn't flood however but I was on my own with no insurance.  I made all my repairs myself.  Life went on till January when a stalled out front put two feet of floodwater in my house.  In less than 6 months, I had suffered a damaging hurricane and a major flood.  I was pretty depressed being a new home owner at 24, with my now pregnant wife.
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