Re: Earl...Hurricane Watch...little sense of urgency
Posted by hattie on 9/1/2010, 6:56 pm
The mandatory evac is for TOURISTS only. The governor has requested all people to leave, but I just talked wiht my daughter who is htere and she said almost none of the local folks are leaving. Said Hatteras VIllage and Frisco are like ghost towns. She sent me some cell pics of the surf near the Frisco pier. Waves are gettng up pretty good now.

I can not believe that Cantori is actually on the island. He has never stayed on the island. ALways reports from above the bridge somewhere near Nags Head. I dont' think he wants to take the chance of not being able to get off the island. In fact it's a joke among the locals that if Cantori is on the island there is nothing to worry about.
In this thread:
Earl...Hurricane Watch...little sense of urgency - aquaRN, 9/1/2010, 7:03 am
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