Re: Who really has the proof
Posted by
Conclue on 12/17/2010, 12:39 pm
I think if you learn the physcs of radiative balance it becomes easier to understand how the physics of AGW work. Using stefan-bolztman laws and relationships we know without doubt that the planet radiates more "energy" or "heat" then it receives from the sun, which would mean the planet would be far colder. The mechanism that allows the planet to be the temperature it is, is due to the atmospheric greenhouse effect; so if we know that certain consituients absorb or prevent outgoing longwave radiation to propogate back to space and that keeps our planet warmer than it would be, simple logic suggests the higher concentrations of these consituients in the atmosphere would lead to warming. The more C02 and other GHG we extract from the earth and release into the atmosphere is going to make it warmer; then there's always the positive feedback of water vapor which is the most important GHG due to it's abundance, and we know through Clapius-Clapeyron that more water vapor means greater temperatures etc. I don't think the basics is that hard to understand at all; it's the complexities involved in what is going to happen where and why that causes the drama that is spewed all around; and then there are those people who just ignore what ever they don't want to believe. You can't help them because they have chosen to believe something without understanding it. |
In this thread:
Why Earth may be entering a new Ice Age -
12/7/2010, 11:17 am- Re: Why Earth may be entering a new Ice Age - Conclue, 12/17/2010, 12:43 pm
- Manitees dying from cold weather - JAC, 12/15/2010, 6:56 am
- Who really has the proof - ArgosyTn, 12/12/2010, 2:53 pm
- The World is getting warmer - JAC, 12/10/2010, 7:26 am
- Re: Why Earth may be entering a new Ice Age - Tim_NC, 12/8/2010, 12:17 pm
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