Hard to digest? Seems unreal?
Posted by Conclue on 8/25/2011, 2:51 pm
I don't know about many of you but I just keep thinking this is all too crazy and real to be happening. We always discuss this scenario and laugh at individual sporadic model runs that show this type of scenario but to see it come into play is just mind boggling. At times I feel as though I can't believe it because it seems to surreal.

I can't even wrap my head around the idea that I, in Albany NY should prolly get some water, flashlights and some snack foods in case we loose power. The Euro last night had a 960 Something center over the city of Albany Sunday night.

I know the track is shifting this way, that way a bit but overall I still need to think about this, but I can't because I can't fathom this actually happening?!?

Is just me?

Being an intern of the national weather service over the past year I learned alot about operations and such and it is truly increidble that NCEP has ordered 4 balloon launches along the entire eastern seaboard for the next few days. It's unreal to me. It also was my wake up call last night that this could seriously be happening as the models are saying.

It's becoming more worrisome than fascinating. The NE and upper mid-atlantic aren't BUILT for this like down south. Especially NY and NE. My god, if it makes landfall... I can't even imagine the ammount of devastation.

My primary concern for places upstate and NE would be loss of power for days and days if not longer should a 400 mile wide windfield with winds in excess of 50 mph pound the NE for a day. With this saturation in the soils?

And NYC? Forget about it. The flooding would be uneal.

2 days ago I was like "okay... this is what could happen". My rule of thumb is you start worrying and really thinking a particular event is gonna happen when models agree 3 days out. Even then somethings don't play out just right, however we're on 4 days out going on 3 and I'm starting to really think "holy hell".

The media is doing a fantastic job of scaring the hell out of people but I do notice theres alot of focus on why theres uncertaintiy admist the conesus of models.

When top leading MET's and scientists start becoming vocal publically about being extremely concerned, chances are s---- is about to hit the fan.

Anyone else feel like this?
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Hard to digest? Seems unreal? - Conclue, 8/25/2011, 2:51 pm
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