Re: Hard to digest? Seems unreal? - Hi I'm Barbara, I'm a Cane Watcher
Posted by Bateauxdriver on 8/25/2011, 4:34 pm
There is nothing like seeing yourself under the cone of a major.  How after the past decade of disasters anyone in a calculated storm surge area would stay is beyond me.  You can hid from the wind but not the water.  You must be absolutely certain of not only your elevation but also that of potential escape routes.  Having lived through many gulf coast storms, let me tell you it isn't fun.  Yes it is an adrenaline rush at first then it becomes depressing.  Living in a damaged, dark, hot, wet, sour smelling house is not only uncomfortable it's dangerous.  My advise is to leave the path of the storm now if your structure cannot handle at least 100 MPH winds.  Also if you have trees nearby, chances are they will destroy your roof with limbs or entire trunks.  You will live in the most primitive of conditions for at least a week or more.  You must be prepared for that physically and mentally should you decide to stay.
Best of luck to you all.
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Hard to digest? Seems unreal? - Conclue, 8/25/2011, 2:51 pm
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